Its been a pretty busy week in Cumbria - but not necessarily on the mountain resuce searchdog front.
On Saturday last week me and Kaz and the Dram dog went over to Ennerdale for a day's training with the searchdogs. Kaz acted as the body in the pouring rain - here she is and here's her hidey hole she found. Funny it doesnt look that bad to me!

Everyone seemed to have a good time and Andy and Corrie passed an assessment which was great news.
Then on the Sunday, me and the Dram dog and Kaz went to watch Daryl run in the Karrimor Trail race at Keswick which was a 10km run round the back of Latrigg. Daryl did really well and even did a fairly good time!

On Wednesday and Friday Kaz helped out at the Police HQ in case there were any incidents whilst the Olympic Torch was in Cumbria and Daryl went down to escort the procession with the Penrith team - here is Chris Bonington with the torch by our team vehicle.
On Thursday I was taken to be groomed cos Kaz thinks i was looking scruffy - huh - now I smell of perfume and my tail is all neat and tidy - this is not a good look for a roughty toughty searchdog! I have threatened the Dram dog that he's next in line!
Then yesterday Kaz and Daryl were supposed to be swimming in the Great North Swim at Windermere- but cos the weather was really bad, it was cancelled which was a bit of a disappointment. So instead kaz did some baking then we went to say hi to Grandma and Grandpa as it was their 51st Wedding Anniversary so me and the Dram dog made a big fuss of them.
Today we're all having a bit of a rest and I'm about to watch the footie - COME ON ENGLAND!!
(Although frankly you've got no chance!)