Monday, 29 July 2013

Having Fun in the Sun....

Blimey - it's been hot hasn't it?  A lot of people are walking in the hills and getting ill - so as ususal the mountain rescue teams have been pretty busy - especially Wasdale and Langdale - my friends searchdogs Rosie, Ollie and Pippi on Wasdale team have been helping out whenever they can and so has searchdog Ted over at Langdale.  Remember if you go on the hills and it's hot you need to drink at least 1.5litres of water to make up for all the sweating - if you dont you could get headaches and be sick - and dont forget your dogs - we need water too!! Kaz always carries about a litre for us and she tops it up from streams - she has even taught us all a command called 'drink drink' which means we need to take some water up from puddles or streams.

I went with Kaz the other day to see handler Mick Guy and my big sis searchdog Ginny.  While we were there it was great to see our friend and ex Lakes dogsbody Dave Lewis - it was his birthday and he'd come up for a week to see everyone. Here's me and Dave having a great time playing

and here's one of me and my sis Ginny and Dave's dog Merlin in Mick's garden...

Kaz and Daryl have been working with Angus and Dram dogs on their trailing thingy - they both seem to be doing really well and Kaz thinks that they may even start taking their exams at the end of the year or early next year.

I went with Angus and Dram on Saturady morning to Red Screes to do some training - it was really nice.  Phil and his trainee dog Crag were there and they did really well - she is very quick and barks loudly which is great - here's Crag

We also saw Roger and Ted, Andy and Corrie, Ian and Keppi and John with Isla and's a coouple of pics of Roger and Ted and Andy and Corrie...

I got to have a go and searched up the crags and found Jane on a very steep slope which was a bit tricky for Kaz to come down. After Jane had played with me, I went across the big boulder field and suddently realised that there was someone below me, so I shot down the slope and found body Steve and lay next to him panting (cos it was really hot).....after a couple of seconds tho, I remembered that I was suposed to let Kaz know, so I barked 3 times and ran back to her and barked just the once.  Then I went to Karen and barked a lot a her and got a great big fuss.  It was really nice to play with the bodies - sometimes I wish it was just me and Kaz again and I didnt have brothers cos then I'd get her all to myself!  But I suppose it's a good idea she's got Angus and Dram, cos I wont always be here to look after her.

On Saturday, just as we were all about to get our tea, Kaz and Daryl got a callout with their team to help someone on the Lakeland 100 race - he had got into difficulties about 70 miles in and was dehydrated and exhausted somewhere near Haweswater.  It was sunny when they left but as soon as they got going, Kaz said that the heavens opened up and they got drenched - the man was taken to hospital via the air ambulance.  This is the team back at the vehicles getting a quick cuppa and biscuit before going home.

On Thursday this week we are all going down to Dartmoor to do some training with the lovely people from SARDA England - Kaz and Daryl will be concentrating on training Angus and Dram, but I'm hoping I'll be getting some fun too!!  I'll let you know how it all goes.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

A lovely holiday and a nice training weekend

Well - it's been a couple of weeks since I last blogged, mainly cos we've been on holiday and Kaz and Daryl didn't have a phone signal (shame!).

So - what's my news then?  We've all been on our holidays to some place called the Applecross Peninsula up in Scotland (sort of opposite Skye).

We set off and it took 7 hours driving to get there - but Kaz and Daryl stopped loads so we could get out and have a leg stretch.

We stayed in a beautiful cottage which was all round and very nice inside with great views and a fab garden where all of us dogs could run around lots :-)

We saw some seals and otters and had lots of fun running on the hills and on the beaches - hooray.  Kaz and Daryl even did a bit of training with us all which we liked.

Here are a couple of pics of Daryl on the hillside

When we got back from our holiday the weather started warming up a bit and that was nice cos Kaz and Daryl wanted to have a bar-be-que in the garden.  It was a nice night apart from the nosy cows in the field!  All of us dogs enjoyed it cos we got a few treats.  Kaz said it was typical that Daryl wouldn't allow her to do any cooking.
Then at the end of last week, Daryl and Kaz were helping do a 2 day training session for the Fire Service Apprentices.  I went too as I was showing them what searchdogs can do - the 1st day was doing some classroom stuff learning about map reading and then we went out and did some practical exercises - that was when I showed them how good searchdogs are.  I got loads of fuss from all of them - it was great.


Then this weekend the searchdogs were all training over at Coniston - it was very hot but all the dogs did really well - at stage 1 Phil and Crag, Martin and Isla, Mike and Mij and John and Cuillin did lots of little runs to ensure that they didn't get too hot and bothered.  The stage 4 (graded dogs) Chris and Beck, Elly and Meg, Nick and Sam, Andy and Corrie, Mick and Ginny and Laura and Jake did some training in Levers water - literally - they all ended up going for a swim!  Kaz and Daryl were training with the Dram and Angus dogs doing trailing stuff - blimey they both must've been training when I've been asleep - they were really good.

On Saturday night we had a BBQ which was fun, and on Sunday we all did the same again.

We are all just chilling out tonight after all the exertions!