Sunday 14 July 2013

A lovely holiday and a nice training weekend

Well - it's been a couple of weeks since I last blogged, mainly cos we've been on holiday and Kaz and Daryl didn't have a phone signal (shame!).

So - what's my news then?  We've all been on our holidays to some place called the Applecross Peninsula up in Scotland (sort of opposite Skye).

We set off and it took 7 hours driving to get there - but Kaz and Daryl stopped loads so we could get out and have a leg stretch.

We stayed in a beautiful cottage which was all round and very nice inside with great views and a fab garden where all of us dogs could run around lots :-)

We saw some seals and otters and had lots of fun running on the hills and on the beaches - hooray.  Kaz and Daryl even did a bit of training with us all which we liked.

Here are a couple of pics of Daryl on the hillside

When we got back from our holiday the weather started warming up a bit and that was nice cos Kaz and Daryl wanted to have a bar-be-que in the garden.  It was a nice night apart from the nosy cows in the field!  All of us dogs enjoyed it cos we got a few treats.  Kaz said it was typical that Daryl wouldn't allow her to do any cooking.
Then at the end of last week, Daryl and Kaz were helping do a 2 day training session for the Fire Service Apprentices.  I went too as I was showing them what searchdogs can do - the 1st day was doing some classroom stuff learning about map reading and then we went out and did some practical exercises - that was when I showed them how good searchdogs are.  I got loads of fuss from all of them - it was great.


Then this weekend the searchdogs were all training over at Coniston - it was very hot but all the dogs did really well - at stage 1 Phil and Crag, Martin and Isla, Mike and Mij and John and Cuillin did lots of little runs to ensure that they didn't get too hot and bothered.  The stage 4 (graded dogs) Chris and Beck, Elly and Meg, Nick and Sam, Andy and Corrie, Mick and Ginny and Laura and Jake did some training in Levers water - literally - they all ended up going for a swim!  Kaz and Daryl were training with the Dram and Angus dogs doing trailing stuff - blimey they both must've been training when I've been asleep - they were really good.

On Saturday night we had a BBQ which was fun, and on Sunday we all did the same again.

We are all just chilling out tonight after all the exertions!

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