Tuesday, 17 April 2012

I gave a talk

I've had a nice day today - 1st off Kaz was working at home this morning so me and the Dram dog spent all morning lying about on her feet and tgetting some fuss.  Then this afternoon she took a long lunch and we drove to a hall where she was giving a talk about us searchdogs - frankly I was a star - it didnt take long for the people to realise that she is just a bit part player in this partnership - I'm the one that does all the work - the only reason shes there is to carry the bag and do the first aid.  Anyway, the nice people at the Parkinsons Society gave me a cheque for the searchdogs - thanks! 

Tonight the Dram dog has got to play at being a trailing dog so has been outside in the field with Daryl - he hid a piece of gauze in the field with a smell on it (I think it was vanilla) and then gave the smell to the Dram dog to find - it was great - he went out and sat down right near the gauze - huh - if I'm not careful he'll be getting cleverer than me! (As if).

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