Anyway here we go .....
1st bit of brilliant news is about 2 trainee dogs who have just passed their last assessment and join me and the other search dogs on the callout list -and that is Ani (and her handler Bill from Kendal MRT) and Corrie (and her handler Andy from Patterdale MRT). Here they are - don't they look great!
The next bit of LDMRSDA news is that Chris Francis and his trainee Beck passed their last assessment last night, so they're on the callout list too!
There are 2 very sad bits of news though, that is that our Vice President Dave Riley has sadly died after an illness. Although me and Kaz didn't work on callous with Dave we were lucky enough to be trained and assessed by him. He had a great sense of humour and was very knowledgeable about dog training and he'll be really missed by us all.
The second bit of bad news is that Glen Hodges and his trainee Molly from Penrith MRT have decided to withdraw from training - Kaz is really sad as she was hoping they'd join me and her very soon
This last weekend me and Kaz and the new dog Angus and Daryl and the Dram dog have been training with the trailing dogs - they both did really well and I'm pretty proud of my little brothers they might even be as good as me soon!

Then last weekend we went to handler John Leadbetter's wedding to Clair our LDMRSDA Vet - it was great - all us dogs were allowed in the church.

Then we had a great walk up towards Loadpot Hill the other day - fantastic weather - it was brill and our doggy friends Darcy, Jack, Flint and Pip came along with aunty Serena and we had loads of fun.....

Finally we have had 2 callouts in the last week - the first wasnt really much as a couple of people got a bit lost in the dark between Howtown and Pooley Bridge - me and Kaz were on the way in the team Landrover when we had a call from Serena who lives near there to say she'd been up on the hill and brought them down.
Yesterday night we had a callout from the dogs and the Penrith Team to go to search for a missing man in Cargo (on the Solway flats). He'd gone for a walk and didnt come back. Me and Kaz, plus Elly/Meg, Nick/Sam, Ian/Kep, Mick/Ginny, Olly/Kitt and Laura/Jake met up and started searching the fields and the footpath by the Eden. We were joined by the RAF helicopter, Coastguard and Inshore Lifeboat teams, but at 4am sadly the body of the man was found and we all went home for a sleep.
Now then I promise to blog better now as I'm not so busy at the moment!
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