So, it's a New Year's resolution that I'm now supposed to be sorting out which means that I will be a really good dog and blog more regularly - that's because all of the people I know that read my blog have been contacting me lately to tell me off. So I promise faithfully that I'll be much better in 2013.
In the meantime Kaz says that i have to give you a roundup of the news since I last blogged at the end of October.
As you know we now have 3 more searchdogs on the list - Bill with Ani, Chris with Beck and Andy with Cory. They have all been out on their first ever searches (well - for Chris Beck is his 3rd searchdog so actually it hasnt been new for him). I can remember the first ever search I did with Kaz on Gummers How nearly 6 years ago - Kaz was dead nervous and she wanted me to search every blade of grass which was a bit slow - but eventually she learnt to just 'Trust Me!' and now I run everything - she just really drives me around. I bet Andy and Bill felt the same as Kaz but I'm pretty sure that Cory and Ani sorted them out pretty quickly.
There has been some sad news though, and that was that Kess (one of my relatives) who retired as a searchdog a while ago, has died. She was always a real character and she put me in my place a few times when I was a puppy.
Les and Julie really miss her as we all do. She made quite a few finds and people often thought i was a younger version - if I continue to be as good as her then I'll be really happy.
So what else has been happening? Angus Dog is coming along well with his training - Kaz is taking it really slowly because he is nearly 11 months old now and apparently that's when dogs get a bit awkward and not listening to their owners - I dont remember being like that! So she has been training him on scents - inside and outside the house. Here's a piccie of him indicating at the skirting board where Kaz had dropped a little bit of scent onto the corner and then got him to smell a gauze with that scent on and then sent him round the house to find it. Kaz was dead pleased with him and he got a big fuss from her.
Angus is also learning some obedience and doing well - he is ok at being told to lay down from a distance and is very good with the sheep and even the fell ponies!!
Me and the Dram and Angus dogs helped Daryl put the Christmas Tree up this year - I was quite impressed that the Angus dog didnt manage to pull all the things off.....even when Daryl put Candy Canes onto the tree!
Angus dog got bitten by a badger one night when we were out on the fell - he was sniffing at a big hole and suddenly the badger ran out an grabbed him - poor thing didnt know what to do and his nose had a nasty bite on it (that'll teach him).
We have had a couple of callouts with the team and the dogs this last few weeks - me and Kaz went to help out Patterdale Team with a search for a missing man by Ullswater. Me and Kaz joined up with my big sis Ginny and her handler Mick Guy and we searched a really steep area of woodland in the dark - at one point, Mick took a bit of a slip and some rocks came down the hill towards Kaz which was a bit scary. Sadly we didnt find him that night and then the next day the search continued with a load more of the dogs (including some from SARDA England). He still wasnt found that day.
Then me and Kaz went back on the Sunday to help out again and see if we could find him. Sadly he still hasnt been found which must be really difficult for his family.
Then Kaz and I were called out to help search for a missing lady in the Kendal area but got stood down when we were on the way.
Kaz went off to instruct on a training course for members of Mountain Rescue teams who want to be Party Leaders and she left me and the Dram and Angus dogs at home with Daryl. Whilst she was there the local Swaledale Team had a callout for a missing person and she went on it all night - I was not impressed - she went on a callout without me!!! Huh - that will certainly not be happening again very soon!
Kaz and me got asked to go and help out with a search for a missing fisherman on the Eden - my big sis Ginny and her handler Mick also came along and we spent a very wet day looking for him with Kaz team, Penrith. Here I am when me and Kaz stopped for a quick cup of tea and a biscuit for me.
Just as we finished the search we got another callout down to help Langdale/Ambleside team with a search for a man who had been out all night - just as we were arriving the man turned up - he did really well to look after himself on the fells over night in such bad weather. As it was a work day for Kaz, she went back in to the office - and as I was soaking wet they let me come in and warm up under the desk - I got loads of fuss off the people in the office too which was really nice.
We went back again on the Saturday morning and did another search with Kaz's team but we still havent found him - sad.
I got a bit bored on Christmas Eve - cos Kaz was busy trying to wrap pressies (no excuse) so I just sat a stared at her to make her take us all out - it worked!!
We had a lovely Christmas Day - me and Angus and Dram dogs went up on the fell with Kaz and Grandma and then came back and we all opened our pressies - we all had really nice chews and balls and the humans had ridiculous things like Ice Axes and DVDs!
The humans went over to the pub for Christmas Day dinner which was apparently very nice while we stayed at home and took a sneaky peak at the;s Kaz and Grandpa and Grandma

Then on Boxing day me and Kaz and Daryl and the Angus and Dram dogs went down to ullswater for a quick swim - yes the humans came in too which was fun although they didnt stay in as long us us - I like the piccie of me and Kaz and the Angus dog!
Just as we got home from the swim Kaz and Daryl had a Boxing Day mountain rescue callout with their team and went down to the base to meet up with some of the others to go and help a mountain biker who'd fallen off his bike and hurt his face on a track near the Pennines. Luckily the ambulance (which was being driven by Kaz'd friend Serena got there and the man was taken to hospital by the air ambulance so the Mountain rescue team weren't needed).
So finally here we are - today is Grandpa's 76th birthday so happy birthday for today! Me and Kaz and the Angus and Dram dog and Daryl are in Kidderminster seeing Grandpa Ron and Grandma Jeanie and their dogs for a couple of days - we are having a great time running all over the fields together!
I really do promise to start being a better blogger in 2013 - so just make sure you tell me off it I'm not!
Take care and happy New Year xxx
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