This weekend me and Kaz went down to Smelt Mill in the Trough of Bowland so that those two brothers of mine, Dram and Angus could be put through their paces as trailing dogs. Here they are being very good...
It was a good weekend and both of them did really well showing that they can discriminate between scents placed out in a field and tell their handler which box the correct scent was on. Blimey I do think they go on a bit too much about them being cleverer than me though....they seem to think that as my job is to just rush around the hillside and find any available human being and they have to decide which human being is the one they're looking for makes them more intelligent than me - as if!
Note from Dram - huh - its all the same with these mountain rescue prima donas - they all rush around looking cool with bright jackets on while us trailing dogs are tied on a line in a very boring harness and look as if we are just going out for a day Dot I'll show you!
Er sorry about that - note to self - dont go away from Laptop to investigte what Daryl is up to in the kitchen without first locking it....
Anyway where was I - oh yes - me!
Thought youd like to see a couple of pics of me training recently - dont you think I look fab! Also here is a loverly pic of trainee Fern and her handler Dave.

Angus's half brothers were there - Tor (who looks more bloodhound than labrador) and Woody (that looks more labrador/collie cross than bloodhound!) - obviously Angus just looks daft!
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