It's been another busy few weeks in the house with Kaz.
She's still a bit down about Daryl leaving and Dram not being here any more - it got worse as Daryl came to tell her that he is in another relationship with someone else so soon after he said he needed to be alone. Kaz has been very angry and gets upset at times....but me and the Angus dog cheer her up and cuddle her and she says that us dogs are the only thing she can rely on now.
The good thing is that we've all be doing a fair bit of stuff.
Kaz had a callout for a missing person near Ravenglass - all the graded searchdog handlers who have a Swift Water qualificaton were asked to go as we would be searching near to water. Kaz left work early and rang her team who were also going to the callout to bring her drysuit along to the callout.
The trip from Kaz's work to the Ravenglass is a long way - by the time she picked me up it was already an hour since the call - then the drive down took another 1,5hrs but then we got stood down!! So we drove back home and on the way back Kaz took me out on the fell for a run around which was great.
That was the Monday then on the Wedesday there was a Penrith team callout for a lady with a broken ankle - Kaz was at work but she managed the incident as she was able to use her radio set and computer link to the callout page. Luckily Penrith team were able to get to the lady who had fractured and dislocated her ankle (she had 2 operations the next day even!!).
Then me and Kaz went to a callout for a missing person on Scafell - we got to search Kaz's favourite valley (not) - Langstrath.....
Kaz's team mates were searching the other routes to Allan Crags but we started very early in the morning and I was running in front of Kaz up the left had side of the valley - zigzagging to the side of her - we didn't see anyone or I didn't smell anyone but we kept going for ages - then at the end of the valley we started to climb up Glaramara Ghyll towards Allan Crags - but just as we were going up there we got a call to say that the body of the missing man had been sadly found in Piers Gill. So we ended up having a very long walk back.
Then we've been working in the garden really hard - Kaz has got the old conservatory down (lots of spiders and ants made her scream) and there is a brand new base in place ready for the new frames to go in place in a couple of weeks - apparently it isn't really the done thing for dogs to run around over new concrete!!! Whilst the conservatory is down Kaz has been taking the opportunity to paint the eaves above it - it's looking really nice (well as much as human houses can). Kaz has been planting some plants in the garden and weeding - again me and Angus tried to help out but the bad dog (Angus) managed to eat one of the new plants so we were banned from helping any more!
Then we had a Penrith team callout for a missing man in Kings Meaburn - Kaz had literally just walked in the door from work when the pager went off - she called in to the Police on her radio and was told to take me and meet at the village hall. Blimey I haven't seen so much rain for a very long time (it was raining cats and dogs). Me and Kaz got the description of the man and set off with our navigator Glen to search for him. But just as we were about to set off he was found by the Police not very far from where we were. By the time we walked back to the village hall we were soaked - the rest of the team hadn't even set out from the hall and were laughing at how wet Kaz was.
Last week Kaz and me and Angus went 'darn sarf' to visit with some friends in Essex - we had a great time and even played with their dogs too
Kaz and Angus went and did a very quick trail round a busy country park - it was hard for him but he got there in the end - he was a little scared of some of the dogs running round and so Kaz and her friend Doug discussed the situation and he suggested that Angus is probably missing Dram and a little unsure of what has happened. He suggested that she take him off for a couple of days in the new caravan and get him to meet as many new dogs as he could. So that's exactly what they did. I got to stay with grandma and grandpa which was great as I got loads of cuddles and fuss. I'll pass over to Angus to let you know what they both did (don't tell him but I was a bit jealous really).
Ohh, I've got the laptop again. So me and Kaz loaded up the caravan and set off for the Bay of Luce in Galloway. When we got there Kaz sorted it all out whilst I laid outside
Me and Kaz walked on the beach loads and met loads of new dogs which was scary for me - I keep thinking I've got to look after Kaz now but I haven't really - she can do it all on her own - she can look after all of us.
Here are some pics of our days out ......
Kaz loves the little caravan - her and I had a great time and I think we're all going to enjoy some really fun holidays. Agghh, Dottie, don't snatch.....
Honestly give the dog an inch it'll take a mile!
Next weekend Kaz is leaving me and Angus dog at home with grandma and grandpa for a few days whilst she goes off to Pembroke in Wales to a seakayaking course which she is really looking forward to. So until laters - see ya.
Love the mini caravan...