Monday, 25 August 2014

Angus goes nuts and Grandma is plastered

So, Dot fans how are you all then?

Me and Angus and Kaz have been busy again for the last couple of weeks since I last wrote.

Grandma had a fall on her patio and broke her arm really badly and has had to have an operation and a load of metal put in.  Me and Angus are being very careful now as she doesn't want to hurt herself anymore.

Kaz has been continuing the running in the mornings with us and sometimes she can even keep up with me and Angus (but only if we take pity on her and let her).  This morning we were running in Lowther Park and Angus was running flat out but was looking at me and forgot that Kaz was there and took her out completely! Kaz apparently needs to practice her hurdling technique.

Here we are enjoying the early morning smells just after Kaz picked herself up....

Yesterday we went over to Kirkby Stephen to see our friend Mara (and handler Kath).  We all went out on to the hills above the town and we also met up with Denise and Andy who were going to body for Mara.  Kaz was helping Kath teach Mara about going up and down hill on command.  I was there to show her how I do it - and Angus was there just be a pain as normal!

We got Kath and Mara to search this hill and had a body at the top and one at the bottom. Kath was puffing a bit when we finished though

 Here she is setting off
 And catching her breath. 

On Saturday me and Angus went to the team collection at Tebay Services and I was very helpful and got loads of fuss.  A nice lady bought me and Angus some dog treats which were yummy!
After that just as we got home we ended up being left there as Kaz got a team callout to a farm near Armathwaite for a lady who had broken her ankle on steep ground whilst looking for her cat - I don't know, why any human would risk their life for an evil cat!  Anyway the team gave her some entonox and helped the ambulance people carry her off - (she was still worrying about the cat though!)

On Thurdsay night Kaz's team had a curry night which we weren't invited to but apparently they had lots of fun and as you can see were very well behaved and didn't mess about at all.....not.

Oh and then on Wednesday Angus was a real idiot - he managed to eat a load of Macadamia nuts - what Kaz didn't know was that they are very toxic (more than normal) to us dogs and luckily just as she'd started out for her meeting in Manchester, she rang Clare the vet and asked her advice - Clare told her to take him to the vet in Penrith and get them to make him sick as he might have been very poorly if he'd ingested them.  Poor old Kaz was in a bit of a panic and took him straight down there.  They gave him some anaesthetic drops into his eye and then put some liquid in that forced him to be very sick very quickly.  He was then kept at the vets for the rest of the day - when he got home he was very quiet and not his usual bouncy self and Kaz now knows that she needs to be a bit careful about nuts in the future.

On Tuesday we went to Brandelhow in Keswick and Angus did a trail for Terry which was very good.  He set off down the path towards the lake from the road under Catbells - everyone else had gone down the path too - Terry was Angus's body and when Kaz and him got to the gate, instead of going through he took Kaz right down a tiny path to the lake shore where he then indicated left and went through another gate and round towards the jetty where the others were training.  Angus went past Laura and Jake playing in the water and took Kaz about 25ft away from all the others and he got really excited in a smell around a bench - (turns out Terry had been sat there for 20mins) - Kaz then worked him further out for the bench and suddenly he found the scent leading to a tree nearby and indicated on Terry by lying down next to him.  Kaz was really pleased.

Angus has also been doing well on the trailing - he went to the Haweswater weekend and did 2 trails.  The first one was for Will who walked up the Blea Water path and then went cross country over to the Small Water path and continued up to the lake.  Then he turned left and went up the hill about 100m and lay down.  Angus worked really hard all the way (which was bout 2.3km) and was very happy to find Will.  At the end of the day him and Kaz did a trail up onto the ridge going up to Rough Crag looking for Jim and found him - despite all the very deep bracken.  When they got home they were very tired - especially Angus.

Anyway Dot fans got to go as Kaz is cooking a meal for friends. 

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